This is a question I get a lot (yes, yes I know, so do you. Just work with me here). It’s usually in one of two situations: firstly from someone who knows me but hasn’t seen me for a while – ‘hey so cool to bump into you! How are you???’
Or else it’s someone who knows what’s going on and asks with both interest and concern, ‘so how are you’. In both situations an actual proper answer is required. In the first, there’s usually an awkward pause while I decide what to say, and then I launch into a full blown, detailed update, throwing the person into a slight tail spin, swamping them with unexpected and gruesome details until I finish with something along the lines of ‘but mostly I’m good’.
The second situation can be harder. The person knows the context but possibly not exactly what the last few days have entailed. Mostly, if I’m out in public it means I’m physically okay. Not always amazing but at least okay, and seriously grateful for that. If it’s my bad week, then I’m probably curled up in a ball and easily upset (in which case why are you asking?!). Again a detailed answer is seems appropriate but at least this time gruesome isn’t necessarily awkward or unexpected. But once again I finish with ‘but mostly I’m good’.
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